Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Multimedia can help you

How Multimedia can help you
Multimedia can help you in a lot of ways. The class teaches you how to use certain programs. These are the following programs Multimedia have taught me to use: Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere Pro. . With Adobe PhotoShop you work on still images. With Adobe After Effects, you turn any still images into ... a mini-video. With Adobe Premiere Pro., you can actually make videos.
I had an assingment where I had to use a picture of me and a famous person, and I had to cut my head and put it on the persons body. the person I chose was Ben Stiller. I found this project to be a little difficult. No matter how many times I made my head bigger, I could not get it on Ben's body. I had to make it REALLY BIG, just to cut my head and put it on Ben Stiller's body. That is what I learned from PhotoShop.
One time before Christmas break, we had to make a holiday video with
Adobe After Effects. I used a picture of a Christmas tree and I used the quotes "HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS" AND "AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR".That is what I learned from After Effects.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Colleges involving computers

Columbia University
I think Columbia University would be great. I think Columbia University would be great, because it offers a lot of programs that revolve around computer programming. Certain programs teach you how the computer itself works.

College of Staten Island
I think the College of Staten Island is a great college . It would great to go to because you learn computer science. That is a new from of learning about computers. You learn how computers work and how computers can download information.

New York City College of Technology
I think the New York City College of Technology is a great college to go to.
I think the New York City College of Technology is a great college to go to because they teach computer engineering. That teaches how to necessarily fix a computer. It teaches how to fix a computer with certain programs or your own hands.