Thursday, January 22, 2009

How Multimedia can help you

How Multimedia can help you
Multimedia can help you in a lot of ways. The class teaches you how to use certain programs. These are the following programs Multimedia have taught me to use: Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere Pro. . With Adobe PhotoShop you work on still images. With Adobe After Effects, you turn any still images into ... a mini-video. With Adobe Premiere Pro., you can actually make videos.
I had an assingment where I had to use a picture of me and a famous person, and I had to cut my head and put it on the persons body. the person I chose was Ben Stiller. I found this project to be a little difficult. No matter how many times I made my head bigger, I could not get it on Ben's body. I had to make it REALLY BIG, just to cut my head and put it on Ben Stiller's body. That is what I learned from PhotoShop.
One time before Christmas break, we had to make a holiday video with
Adobe After Effects. I used a picture of a Christmas tree and I used the quotes "HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS" AND "AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR".That is what I learned from After Effects.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Colleges involving computers

Columbia University
I think Columbia University would be great. I think Columbia University would be great, because it offers a lot of programs that revolve around computer programming. Certain programs teach you how the computer itself works.

College of Staten Island
I think the College of Staten Island is a great college . It would great to go to because you learn computer science. That is a new from of learning about computers. You learn how computers work and how computers can download information.

New York City College of Technology
I think the New York City College of Technology is a great college to go to.
I think the New York City College of Technology is a great college to go to because they teach computer engineering. That teaches how to necessarily fix a computer. It teaches how to fix a computer with certain programs or your own hands.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Project 5

1) What was the idea for your music video? The general idea was to pretty much to mess with the Christmas tree.
2) What type of effects did you use? I pretty much used all of the effects: scale, rotate position, and opacity.
3) What was the most difficult thing about using After Effects? The most difficult thing about After Effects was ... putting the music! I felt really stupid.
4) What was the biggest benefit you found from using After Effects? the biggest benefit was that I could do things that I could never do before. I honestly didn't know that you could put music in the composition.
5) Was this easier than using Photoshop? Why or Why not? It was a little more difficult with Photoshop because I could not do every little thing that I did with my project.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Monday, December 1, 2008


Friday, October 31, 2008

My Optical Illusion

This is my optical illusion. First, you look at the image for about 35 seconds, WITHOUT BLINKING! Then look at an orange piece of paper for 25 seconds, WITHOUT BLINKING! What you see is that there are 3 spirals overlapping another. Just by looking at it you thing it's one giant spiral. It really isn't.